Sunday, February 25, 2007

Closing Night!!!!

It isn't a wrap yet but the show did close last night to a full house!
It was a good audience, actually it was a great audience. They seemed to have a good time and laughed at all the right times!

There were three highlights of the show for me. All were good but three stood out: Bob Day and his Stanley Walker character, Pam Guillory and Purity Mason, and Dennis Burgart and Dan Casey. They were as much fun back stage as they were on stage. Having fun was the first thing they wanted to do and it showed in their performances. It is a shame that Stanley Walker and Purity only had cameo roles. They really made the most of their time on stage while Dennis was on stage for nearly every scene save a couple.

The documentary isn't quite finished yet. There is still a storyline to be resolved which should conclude around April.

We also had a preproduction meeting for the fan film project. The actors will be measured on the 10th. We are going to schedule rehearsal time. Have a couple of location scouting trips. So far everyone is very excited about this project!!!! Beersnob has been impressed by the level of commitment that the actors have made. He is trying very hard not to waste a second of the actor's time while the actors have been wanting to put more time into becoming better prepared!
This is what a director hopes for! I am positive a happy balance will be found and the project will be one of the best I have had the privilege to have worked on!

The actors are all going to be encouraged to sign up for the fan film's message board so they can keep in touch with the Canadian production team and with each other during the week. There is one actor from out of town and one that is on the road during the week.

This is going to be a lot of fun my friends!!!!

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