Monday, February 12, 2007

More Shirts Ordered

For the Drinkbusters. I have been putting it off for too long but I finally got them ordered today.

I plan on giving our current Drinkbusters another shirt and giving one to our new replacement Christmas Catina. I'm unsure if that is going to be her official Drinkbuster's name or not but when she tells me what it is going to be I'll let you know:) I am sure that Catina will make Weezy proud and will add a different vibe to the show!

So everyone gets a brand new shirt. I know my shirt is starting to look a little more gray than black. It is fun to have a unique shirt where we are the only ones to be part of our own exclusive little club. All we need is a secret handshake....maybe it can involve a rubber chicken somehow.

Yeah a rubber chicken. Last night on the Surreal Life Traci Bingham and Chyna decided to stay up all night doing rubber chicken shots. This annoyed Verne and Emmanuel to no end as they had a challenge the next day in which someone was going home from the losing team.

Anyway the A list, and I use that term only because the show does, lost the challenge due to Ron Jeremy's lame and offensive act so they had to play Go Fish with the loser going home.

I haven't had any at work news lately so I'll lay some on you right now. We have to fill out this form that documents the paint we mix up for environmental purposes on a daily basis. I hate doing this, it is stupid, a waste of time, inefficient, and the business I'm in so I can't do much about it....but....being creative with the amounts I mix up. There is nothing that says it has to be the English terms such as gallons, ounces, etc. So I have taken to the metric system and even more abstract terms such as inches, centimeters, or paper cups.

I know someone over in the environmental section reads this and has to fill out her own form, yeah it is a her and she has a sense of humor about it. However she is now moving for a better job and it now falls to her very unstable boss to do this task now. Today she came by to say goodbye and pick up her last log sheet from us and told me that if I do the same to her boss that it would make everyone over there happy.

Apparently NO ONE likes this woman at all. She is a big woman to say the least. Standing around 5'11 and tipping the scales at between 350 to 400 pounds. She works on the second floor of her building and takes the elevator every time!!!!

She is also unstable and feels that she is bullet proof and teflon coated because she is a minority, over weight, and a woman. She believes that she is untouchable by the company for fear of a law suit. She is very touchy and frequently accuses people around her for being racists.

For example the woman who has the sense of humor about my creativity relayed the story of how she put some papers on her desk, it wasn't softly enough for the big lady so after everyone went home she came into the sense of humor's girl's office and told her that she didn't appreciate the papers being put on the desk in a racist and violent fashion. The sense of humor girl was flabbergasted and speechless at this accusation.

The big lady is also known for a volatile temper and frequently goes into screaming fits at those around her. So essentially the company is afraid of firing her and she knows it. It was only recently that she started even coming to work for more than 3-4 hours per day. A higher up than her told her that he didn't care what color she was, she gets paid for 40 hours and she is going to put them in like everyone else is.

The upside is that I get to explore more creative measurements that are sure to tip this lady over the edge of her apparent sanity which she is clinging to by mere fingernails.

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