Sunday, February 18, 2007

Zatoichi Meets Yojimbo

This was a very good movie in the Zatoichi series of movies. Think James Bond but in medieval Japan and without all of the gadgets except for a cane sword. Shintaro Katsu portrayed the character in every movie which I believe had 25+ entries.

Zatoichi is a blind masseur who travels around Japan finding adventure. He is a incredible swordsman and every film gives him some impressive sword feat to showcase his skills. This film of the series was a bit special though. Toshiro Mifune co-starred with Shintaro Katsu as a character which was a carbon copy of his Kurosawa characters from Yojimbo and Sanjuro. A snarling, drunk, samurai who hires himself out as a bodyguard but there is much more to this Yojimbo than meets the eyes as Zatoichi finds out during the course of the movie.

I can imagine that at the time this was made, around 1970 I believe, that for this series it was probably the equivalent to Godzilla vs. King Kong or Al Pacino meeting Robert DeNiro in Heat, Alien vs. Predator, or even Freddy vs. Jason. Yeah for fans of this series I can imagine it was that big.

Yeah this was Netflix pic and all I can say is that Netflix rocks my friends!!!! I wish I had joined years ago!!!!

So the second performance went well last night. We stopped by Callahan's afterwards for a drink after the show and everyone kind of did some unwinding. Bob Day, who is one of the highlights of the show for me, bounced some movie ideas off of me and we actually started to flesh out a couple of stories he was interested in filming.

I am off from the documentary now until Wednesday night for a pick up rehearsal in which I plan on being on stage with the actors to film close ups.

You now after the Valentine's Day setback I've been pretty good emotionally lately!!!!
I've got a grilled burrito from Taco Mayo in the fridge and I should make some coffee to wake up a bit. I'm a little groggy despite being up since 7. I'm awake but man I want some coffee!!!!

So today enjoy the Daytona 500, root for your favorite driver, if you don't have one it is real real easy to find one. Follow them all year long. You will really feel attached and emotionally vested in them and their crew by the end of the season!!!! That is why NASCAR has become as massive as it has, people watch, become attached to a driver and follow the highs and lows as they race for the Nextel Cup.

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