Thursday, February 08, 2007

Stupid Cold Weather Stupid Diesel

Yeah....I'm home today because my diesel won't start. It HATES cold weather and since it is in the mid 20's right now it isn't starting.

This is a hazard I guess but usually it is very reliable when it is 30 and above.

Yes I keep the block heater plugged in and yes I keep a battery charger on it all night to keep the electrical system warm but sometimes that just isn't enough. I do know that if the glow plug controller was working and I didn't have to use starting fluid right now that it would be running however it isn't and now its not.

Well I have plenty of leave time so it isn't a big deal other than I was wanting to save some more up. Well I now have the time today to edit the last Drinkbusters and get it posted.

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