Saturday, February 03, 2007


I don't know why but I had a headache all last night while sleeping.
I got up around 5 a.m. and took some aspirin.

I know it wasn't alcohol. I only had one drink and that was before 7 p.m. I felt pretty decent most of the evening at rehearsals except for my stomach. I had some spicy food and it really was starting to bother me after a while which is very unusual.

Spicy foods really don't bother me at all, in fact I enjoy them immensely since they don't hurt me. I don't know what the problem seems to be, I've had two headaches this past week and anyone who knows me has probably heard me tell them that when I was younger that I was prone to migraines. I used to have one nearly every day but the past few years I rarely get them anymore.

As I type this I still feel the headache. It is a dull ache now. I had a couple of cups of coffee and will take a hot shower. That usually helps relieve the ache.

Now I bring all of this up to tie it into a movie I am watching now.
The Bad Sleep Well.

This is Akira Kurosawa's version of Hamlet starring of course Toshiro Mifune. The setting is the corrupt corporate landscape of post war Japan. Steeped in corporate intrigue as Mifune's Nishi character sets about to avenge the death of his father.

This is a film noir, shot with strange reaching angles and lots of shadows. The plot is complex and twisting after a lingering opening sequence that reminded me of the Godfather's opening wedding scene.

Mifune is magnificent as usual, Kurosawa's direction is stellar, this isn't a masterpiece but it is a solid and enjoyable movie as the layers are slowly peeled away revealing the real plot.

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