Monday, February 19, 2007

What A Nice Day!!!!

It is so nice out!!!!
70, fairly calm, and sunny!

Tonight I have to have some pictures taken for the next Gaslight production. I have to state that I am not in the production but I believe I'm going to be in the promotional pictures if I understand correctly.

So that happens at 6:30 tonight which will give me a chance to get some supper at the pub for my last day of freedom from work. It really has been a pretty good six day weekend! I got a new mouse which is sweet, a new mouse pad which hasn't arrived yet. I still have three movies from Netflix to watch which will give me something to do after the pictures tonight.

A friend came over last night to visit which was great and another friend came over today which was great again! I've gotten some rest, had some fun, spent some money, had a couple of drinks, got new Drinkbusters shirts, passed a couple out already, I still am going to give Beersnob and Chianti new shirts so they will have two just in case, have a more reliable vehicle now, ordered a few DVDs, said goodbye to Weezy and wished her well on her new journey!

All in all this has been a pretty darn good weekend:)
I wish everyone had a weekend that was twice as good as mine!

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