Monday, February 26, 2007

An Idea For The New Drinkbusters Intro

I can't really spill the beans now but I will tell you that if you go to You Tube and search for something that rhymes with Ranana Sprits you will get a good clue at what I have in mind:)

Today was pretty decent other than finding my pilot light had been blown out by the very high winds this weekend. I don't really use much hot water. I didn't take a shower yesterday so I had no idea my pilot was out. So you can imagine my surprise this morning!!!!

I remembered to send off my Netflix movies so I should be getting a new batch tomorrow or Wednesday.
I have the second half of a double feature to watch yet and then my fourth DVD will be sent back and I'll get it written about:)

Mood is still pretty good:) Hope your's is as well!!!!

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