Wednesday, August 19, 2009


So last night I decided to go and by a slim chance see if Hastings had Lost season 2 so The Date and Thing 2 could get their fix.

They actually DID! And for only $25 dollars as a previously viewed copy! I looked the DVDs over carefully after purchase and they all looked like they actually were viewed once.

So I handed it to Thing 2, whom I took with me, and we headed home. She carefully looked over the DVD fronts and cover art to glean any kind of information she could and as I was pulling into the driveway she triumphantly held it over her head as Perseus with Medusa's head to show The Date her prize.

All that is really missing is poverty, a trashy hotel room, and a crack pipe. They were like a couple of drug fiends with a new score as they arranged pillows, popped pop corn, and giggled as they frantically searched for the remote control.

"Only two and then we have to go to bed," they promised themselves.

I swear....I feel like a drug dealer.

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