Sunday, August 09, 2009

Public Outrage

I keep reading stories about the outrage at town hall meetings towards members of Congress at the prospect of turning our health care system into one that resembles Canada or the UK.

The Dems are saying that the outrage isn't genuine and it is orchestrated, the people keep saying that no one contacted them and that the representatives won't listen to them and plan on pushing the plan ahead anyway.

Effects on Private Coverage and the Uninsured
• 48 percent of privately insured Americans would transition out of private insurance. Of the
estimated 172.5 million people with private health insurance, there would be a decline of
83.4 million people with private coverage.
• 56 percent of Americans with employer-based coverage would lose their current insurance.
Of the estimated 158.1 million Americans with employer-based coverage, 88.1 million
people would be shifted out of their current employer-based plan.
• 80 percent of Americans in a health insurance exchange would end up in the public plan. Of
the estimated 129.6 million people who would obtain coverage through an exchange, 103.4
million people would be covered by the public plan.
• 34 percent of the uninsured in America would still lack coverage. Of the estimated 49.1
million people without health insurance, the legislation would only reduce the uninsured
by 32.6 million people, leaving 16.5 million people without coverage.
Effects on Physicians and Hospitals
• Physicians would see their payment levels decline by $31.7 billion as a consequence of the
new public plan. While physician net income may increase under the bill primarily due to
other Medicare changes, a public plan with Medicare-based payments would lower
reimbursements. Today, Medicare physician payments are, on average, 81 percent of
private payments.
• Hospitals could see their net annual income fall by $61.9 billion, which roughly eliminates
hospital total margins. This significant loss in hospital income is also overwhelmingly
attributable to the public plan using Medicare-based payments. Today, Medicare hospital
payments are, on average, 68 percent of private payments.

This is from a report from the Lewin Group, a health care management consulting firm.
You can read the entire report here and see how the goal is to put EVERYONE into the public option no matter how much you like your insurance policy now, a direct contradiction to what Obama is saying publicly.

Here is the problem people are having and it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure it all out. There is a limited amount of money allocated to the public health care option. No matter what that limit is, there is an eventual limit that will be reached. When it is reached people will have to go without essential tests, essential procedures, and essential appointments with doctors.

Now who goes to the doctors more than anyone else? The Seniors of our country. Do you really believe that this won't effect them? Exactly, of course it will effect them and not in a good way.

Alright here is the coup de grace on the congressional health care bill about why it is a bad deal. You don't have to believe me, you don't have to believe the report I site, you don't have to believe your neighbor being angry about it. Listen to congress! The people themselves who have written this monstrosity of a bill! They have exempted themselves from the bill!

They will have coverage they want for themselves while forcing you, me, and Joe Bob into a public option by year three of the program. So if the bill is such a great deal why not be first in line to sign up for it?

There are reforms needed, NO ONE disputes that. A government run take over is not the solution though. It will only destroy our system and reduce health care for all. Now knowing all of this, aren't you a little bit outraged too?

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