Monday, August 17, 2009

Create An Addict In One Easy Step

Friday night rolled around last week and The Date's leg wasn't doing so well. It ached and hurt. So before I left for Beer Summit 2 I instructed Thing 2 to not let The Date up from the couch and made sure she was comfortable.

Then I created two crack addicts.

I put in the first two DVDs of Lost's first season.

Over the course of the weekend including until three thirty AM Saturday night they were getting their fixes with Lost. It'll be two weeks until I can get the second season here so they can't watch anymore seasons right now but they finished S1 and craved more!

Exodus, the two part last episode came up and all of a sudden something would happen and they kept asking if that was the cliffhanger. Both of them. Thing 2 wanted to watch an episode by herself while The Date wasn't home and she said no....quite forcefully. It startled the dog.

DVD is the best way to watch season long TV. You go, you buy it, and enjoy it as you wish. You finish an entire season in a weekend! In hindsight I should have used 24 as I have every season of that up until the previous season. They could have been in 24 heaven for quite some time!

I chose Lost though....the one TV show I only had the first season of and S5 doesn't come out until December while 24 has seven seasons out plus the movie Redemption, it is true DVD crack!

So now I'm going to listen to questions for the next two weeks while payday rolls along and they will try to get me to tell them what happens. Believe me this is one show that you don't want spoiled at all. It is magical and mysterious and something you want to experience with no spoilers!

1 comment:

Ryan said...

One of my top 5 memories of college. Watching Season 1-4 of 24 in 4 weeks (during school) before Season 5 ended. The very next week, I watched all of LOST's first season. Oh, and that was Finals week. Can't remember how I did on those exams...but I definitely remember each flashback.