Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Half Day

Yep, remember that test I took a while back as a follow up check up to the kidney stones I had over a year ago? I go in today to get the test results which I kind of knew already.

I believe that this will show what the last three CT scans have shown, everything is good and no stones present! In which case I'll only have to go in once a year instead of every six months to get things checked out.

So I get to take off half a day of work and come home early:) I'm always happy about that! It really helps getting through the work week if you take off early once in a while, it almost feels like the week was kicked into overdrive and it just goes faster.

Of course it is nicer to take off half a Friday but I'm not complaining, this is a good news day. I've drank so much water it would boggle your mind. I'm determined not to have anymore though. They hurt! It is not the kind of pain you want either. There is no comfortable position to get into, nothing you can do to ease the pain. They hurt bad.

I'm very excited about this weekend too! I'll tell you why leading up to the weekend:)

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