Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'd Love To Live Here

Yeah, I'd so live in this time and place!! I'd go grab an Escalade or a Hummer, paint a big 24 on the doors and roof. I'd go and find a Darth Vader helmet and roll around town hitting zombies! Alright so this is an apocalyptic fantasy of mine, does that make me bad?

A few hundred people left on Earth, everyone I know of course and a few generations on out, an intact electrical grid (don't want to be inconvenienced after all) and me! Fearless Zombie hunter! It's my own Road Warrior sandbox except without the Aussie Gearhead Punks to harsh my buzz.

Yep, I know I know...."You shouldn't wish for everyone to turn into zombies just so you can hunt them. That's bad." But dadgumit sometimes you just look at people and start dividing them up into two categories. The smart survivors...Zombie Hunters....the not so smart, the idiots who drive with their blinker on for two blocks, the morons who screw up your order in the drive thru, the people who never strive to better themselves, the crackheads, well you get the point...yeah you put them into category two. Zombie food.

Alright I know this probably isn't healthy or anything but it sure would be fun!

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