Monday, August 03, 2009

Shark Week Angel

Yesterday was spent watching Shark Week shows, fixing a weak breaker, washing uniforms, and eating:) Shark Week is a yearly ritual for me. Love the shows even though there are some repeats in there from year to year. A few years back it was really pathetic, there were about two new Shark Week shows and the rest were reruns.

Now Discovery has really put a lot more effort into the shows and it is much better! Last night's was a documentary about the 1916 shark attacks in New Jersey. Good story, great production. A nice kickoff to Shark Week!

Thing 2 is out of commission with a flu bug so we looked after her most of the day. She is doing better. The Date made some awesome cookies!

The weather was great, I had a CI legends black label cigar sitting outside with Zip. Mild, woodsy leather tastes with a hint of pepper and spice. Great first third, hit its stride in the second third, strong on the last third and a bit harsh. Overall a decent cigar but I doubt if I'd buy more.

There is better for the price out there. The CI legends yellow label is by far the best of the bunch. Its blended by Don Pepin Garcia, a very hot cigar maker now and has some quality and very sought after cigars. I'd buy any box of any of his cigars. They are that good!

Then in the evening I was just reading a few sites and came across Jorge Munoz. This man is an angel in the flesh. If I had one one thousandth of his drive I'd be a better person.
Here is the You Tube video I came across about this man among men.

This man deserves your support. In these tough times he is an inspiration that people are out there that can be good. People who will do things for their fellow man for no personal benefit and at great personal cost. I'm in awe of Mr. Munoz.

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