Monday, August 24, 2009

So What Would Happen

If you were suddenly filthy, lottery rich? It isn't as easy as you may think. Everyone has that fantasy which is why we play it. What is the goal of winning the lottery?

To not work anymore? To travel on your schedule? To do nothing because you can? To have all of your bills paid off...for good?

Yeah all of that and more, after all it is generational amounts of money. It would also come with problems. It would come with unique problems you haven't thought about because you have never been in that position.

First of all you would play by a different set of rules from that point on out, no one is going to tell you "No" anymore. Anyone close to you would be afraid of upsetting you and getting cut off of the gravy train. Not good. Eventually you would lose touch with reality unless you make a super effort to stay grounded.

Everyone has seen the stories of Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Elvis, Marylin Monroe. Too much too quickly with no limits will cause you to lose your mind. Look around you, the friends you have now, better hope you can keep them close. All of the new "friends" that will be coming into your life wouldn't have looked at you twice now when you are poor.

Surround yourself with "No" men instead of "Yes" men.

I know I have a hard if not impossible time saying no to someone in need. It just isn't in me to do so. Can you handle getting a thousand letters a day asking for help? I'm sure that they will be the most heart rending stories you have ever heard too. Children with cancer, elderly with no money and no food, good people who have fallen on hard times. I'd be broke again in a week. No doubt about it. I'd also elect to take the annuity to prevent myself from being broke that fast.

I'm actually pretty content with the way things have turned out. Kids are raised better coming from nothing, they have that drive to achieve instilled into them naturally then unless their parents are very diligent in installing a work ethic into them.

Everyone has gone to school with the rich kid. I knew a couple and they were the laziest people I've ever known while I worked a paper route before school, afternoon route after school, and then restaurant after that. Doing pretty well now, I've earned the right to be content where I am if I want to be.

Security. That will be a tremendous issue to you all of a sudden. You have a ton of new assets to protect all of a sudden. Something you likely don't have to deal with now but just wait until people start showing up on your doorstep and asking to help them get back on their feet. Helping them get off of drugs. Help them eat their next meal with kids.

I don't know about you but it would be tough for me to turn them down and go back to watching TV after that.

Be careful what you wish to happen, someday, and the odds are stacked way against you, but lightning might strike you.

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