Sunday, October 16, 2011


Yesterday I got my Walmart evaluation from our manager. She said I rated higher than she was going to put on the evaluation and by doing that she was doing me a favor. I rated as Exceed. Basically on the path to a manager but she put me as a grade lower and told me why.

She told me that management would be all over me, I'd be required to do a lot of extra tasks, and that I'd have to work more hours. All of the things I don't want as I won't be working there long enough to advance anywhere. She said I was an exceptional employee and she needed more like me. All in all it was a very nice evaluation and made me feel really good about my self, my work ethic, and what I'm accomplishing for our debt snowball. It really validated what I'm doing right now.

She is leaving soon to take care of a family member that needs help. I'm sorry to see her leave but hey, she's got a great reason to do so.

I came home and started to rest up. I was about to go to bed but then The Outlaw Josey Wales came on so I watched that and went to bed around one thirty. The Date and I watched it actually:) It was a pretty nice experience to just chill on the couch and enjoy each others company.

Thing 2 auditioned for the National Honor Orchestra yesterday and wound up getting first section, eighth chair violin! Better than anyone else in varsity orchestra and she's a freshman! Very proud of her! She's worked very hard to get where she has gotten and it really shows:) Love my girls!

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