Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Half Way

This week is huge for us. First of all The Date gets her student aid this week! Finally after the semester is over half way finished. Second all of the work I put in last week gets paid off Friday! I got my paystub yesterday and yeah, it felt good to see the bottom line! My next Walmart check will be full as well and that snowball will be rocketing down the hill once this month is over!

Yesterday was a day that I wished we were in a position that I didn't need a second job. I hadn't slept well the night before and was tired all day, wanting nothing more than a few hours of sleep. It was not to be. I got home and made chili for the family and went off to work until eleven.

I feel better this morning though. I'll have a decent day at work but I am working until eleven again barring any overtime at work that might alter that time table.

Let's see what fun stuff I can blog about. I finished the second Sandman Slim novel. It's pretty good, lots of funny parts, lots of violent parts. A weird mish mash of detective noir ala Sam Spade, supernatural suspense, and a lot of fun. Not for everyone though. The series deals with Heaven, Hell, and everything in between!

It focuses a lot on the angels that fell from Heaven after God kicked them out. Some want back in His good graces, some set up life on earth and in Hell. Sandman Slim is in between, a Nephilim in fact, half man half angel.

Set it all in LA and let the fun begin!

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