Monday, October 17, 2011

Off Tonight!

After working the weekend I'm off tonight and Thursday night. I believe it's going to turn colder today or tomorrow so I've got chili planned for supper tomorrow night before work.

The Date got her homework submitted last night so since student is her full time job we both worked yesterday. Work was super busy for me, the section was a huge mess when I got there and when I left. There was an area manager inspecting the place when I got there and she didn't like a lot of stuff I gathered. The fat assistant manager was upset at my coworkers before I arrived. Only three of us were on the schedule though, not the best move on one of the busy days of the week. Not my call though.

Fortunately since I don't depend upon this job for a living I've got more options as to what I can put up with regarding the attitudes of managers. My coworkers aren't quite as fortunate. However they really don't bother me a lot so I don't feel defensive around them. Generally always working when they rarely come around and busy so they can't say much.

I'm giving them a fair shift of work compared to my wage, they really can't complain a whole lot. We are short handed and perhaps they can address that soon, it'd solve some problems for sure with scheduling.

Tonight we don't have any plans:) come home from a regular day of work and enjoy the evening unless they offer overtime:)

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