Monday, October 31, 2011


Saturday evening before the teen show and after I had gotten off of work I picked up some supper for The Date and Thing 2. After I had ordered a couple of kids came in behind me.

The youngest of the two ordered something like a dozen tacos but ran out of money somewhere around the sixth taco. From where I was waiting I saw the very young girl running the register pull a few crumpled up bills out of her pocket and complete the transaction for the child. Considering that she kicked in around five to six dollars and she likely makes around seven and a half per hour she basically worked an hour for them to eat.

A fact that was likely lost on the two young children or at the very least something they wouldn't think to consider as they likely don't grasp a lot of concepts in currency.

However I'd love to point out that even when we could calculate the nation's mood via the old scale of the misery index from the Carter years good things still happen and good people still exist. If that doesn't brighten your day just a little bit and inspire you do go and secretly do someone a good turn today than I don't know what will.

You'll get the opportunity to hold open a door for an elderly couple or make up the slight difference in a grocery bill for a single struggling mother. Do it and smile, you won't be able to help yourself once you do!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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