Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Kitten Trouble

Watching our kitten Jet play is an exercise in exhaustion. He runs everywhere, attacks everything, is in the air as much as he is on the ground, chases every single other pet in the house including the dog, and has zero fear for his own safety.

Everything is something to bite, stalk, chase, attack, or rarely sleep on. He has no idea where he is going but he runs there as fast as he can. Even the dog will go to his pet taxi once in a while to get away.

He will use up every single molecule of energy before just laying down, sometimes in mid attack and nap. Very sudden like, he'll just terrorize whatever is there and like flipping a switch it's nap time.

Scotch and Baby Kitty have had very active kitten hoods but neither were as rampaging as Jet, nor as willing to inflict bodily harm on himself or others. Let alone the energy tank Jet has is far bigger than any I've witnessed. He goes on forever!

I'm not sure if Jet will evolve into being a lap kitty or not, he doesn't enjoy being held much at all. Baby Kitty is very lovey and when I'm home will frequently be in a lap. Scotty though has his moments of loving a lap.

Today is Tuesday and the new PC kit will make it here this week! I'll be able to work on it perhaps this coming Saturday if all goes right! It should be up and running this weekend and everything will be restored once again! That will help The Date out with her school work and make my blogging that much easier!

Although it is much easier on this iPhone than it was on the last one!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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